Olens complex 3con in gray try on review

Olens complex 3con in gray try on reviewBack for another try on review on one of the newer Olens releases, complex 3con in gray.ย  It is odd that they keep coming out with single colors/ designs and not different shades for the design but hopefully, they come out with more shades since this is a keeper.ย  I don’t usually like more dramatic designs but I think Olens is getting better and better at refining the pixels, making them more realistic.

By the way, if you want to purchase Olens lenses, use my code XTINAHELLO10 for an extra 10% off (affiliated).

Olens complex 3con in gray review color contacts for dark eyesProduct name:
Olens complex 3con gray

Limited edition/ Permanent?:

$29/ box but they usually have BOGO

Daily, monthly or yearly?:

Amount of contacts per box:
2 lenses per box, one pair per box

Measurement of contacts:Duration before expiration:
5 years from the manufacture date

Country of Manufacture:
Made in Korea

Where to buy:
Olens Global

Degrees available:
0.00 to -8.00, each power goes up by -0.25

Olens promo code CHRISTINAHELLO 10% offStill the ugliest shot but it somewhat shows you want the lense looks like haha.

Olens ambassador color contacts reviewMy natural eye color is really dark brown, almost black looking from far away.ย  I sometimes wish I had lighter eyes, but darker eyes help shield sunlight better so I guess we can just resort to color contacts.

Olens complex 3con in gray tray on reviewI’m actually very surprised I like these Olens complex 3con in gray.ย  The outside ring is a dark gray, blending into a blueish lighter grey and a slight golden ring on the inside.ย  It actually blends into my natural eyes nicely and gives me that K-pop girl group look.ย  This screams Blackpink’s Jisoo to me for some odd reason.

Olens complex 3con in gray reviewThe ring also somewhat gives your eyes an enlarging effect and also makes your pupil looks bigger and more dolly.ย  Comfortability is the same as their Vivi 3con, on average 5 hours before my eyes start to feel a bit strained.ย  Please do remember color contacts are for cosmetic use and not supposed to be a replacement for regular contacts which you can wear for more than 10 hours.ย  Consult your optometrist to see if these are suitable for your eyes and clean them after every use!!

Remember to use my code XTINAHELLO10 for 10% off your order.

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