Christinahello the Youtuber?!?

So uhh… I just started my Youtube channel? LOLย  I’m just going to leave it here for you guys to enjoy ;).ย  I’m going to hide it under the “read more button”… because I’m naughty.

I’ve actually been wanting to do Youtube for the longest time but I’ve never been brave enough to take the leap of faith.ย  But this trip to Korea, I made it a priority to take my heavy ass camera, tripod and mic that I’ve had for years but never used and document my time in Korea, Taiwan and Japan.ย  This is my first video so be gentle ;).

Let me know what you think and what are things I could improve on.ย  Edits might not be top notch but I’m still learning.ย  It only took me about two days to maneuver my way around the software which I’m giving myself a pat on the back.

Yours truly,

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