DIY BB cushion organizer

DIY BB cushion organizerBB cushions have been my current obsession, but I now have the problem of “What can I do to store these nicely without having them look like a mess?” ย I went to Daiso yesterday and picked up some stuff to create the prefect solution.
Total $$ spent: $6
Total time used to make: 5-10 minutes

Not much to it so let’s start with this quick and simple DIY. ย LETS GOOO~ย ใƒพ(๏ฝก๏ฝฅฯ‰๏ฝฅ)๏ฝผIMG_0034Materials needed:
-plastic DIY partitions/ grid
-tray or container where you want to store your compacts

You can find the plastic grids on ebay, but I got my in Daiso for $2. ย The ones on ebay seems to be really flimsy, so I would suggest you guys try and go to Daiso to find these. ย You could also cut these out of cardboard or plastic yourself but ain’t no body got patience for that. ย At least not this girl.ย 

Daiso partitionsHere is a closer look to what these grid makers look like. ย There are different types at Daiso to choose from. ย I just picked the most plain and clean looking one but there were ones with flower cutouts and such.

IMG_0036Pick a container or tray you would like to store your compact with. ย I bought mine from Daiso for $2. ย Also make sure to bring a BB cushion so you can measure the tray out and see how many cushions it can store. ย I didn’t bring one when I went, silly me, so I just eye balled it and prayed that it will work HAHA.

IMG_0037Take your grid makers and measure out the length, cut to fit.

BB cushion Now do the same, but this time put as many cushions you can fit to see how many rows you need. ย I thought I could make it into 8 rows, but in the end it was too tight so I could only make it into 7 rows.

BB cushion holderCut a strip width-wise.IMG_0041

IMG_0044Continue on with the width section offs and us the cushions to measure out where to place the partitions.

IMG_0045And viola! ย It is done. ย So easy right? ย Theres not much to it but bend, snap and measuring without even a ruler!

IMG_0046Here is a side view.

IMG_0047And a birds-eye view. ย I now store this in my vanity drawer and don’t have to worry about them sliding around. ย I even place the refills on this tray so I don’t forget I got a refill as well, which I actually did for a long time until I did some winter cleaning and found them laying around haha.

I didn’t end up using all three of packs of partitions. ย I only used up two of them but you can always make a DIY lipstick holder for your drawers, so nothing goes to waste. ย Plus, I bought an extra one just in case since I didn’t want to waste time and go back again.

Anyways, that is it for this DIY post. ย Let me know if you guys made this for yourself and tag me on Instagram if you did or even comment down below and tell me how it was for you.

If you found this post helpful, donโ€™t forget to share it on your favourite social media pages. ย Also donโ€™t forget to follow me on my social media platforms to see what Iโ€™m doing and what Iโ€™m getting in the mail :D. ย Mail time is always fun time for me. ส•โ€ขแดฅโ€ขส”
IG: @christinahello

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Belle

    That’s such a great idea! I miss having a Daiso nearby, it’s been a while since I’ve been there, and I haven’t spotted this product before.

    I have lots of palettes and blushes that could use this kind of organization.

    Btw, that is quite the BB cushion collection!

    1. Christina

      The Daiso in my town is huge with a two level and they have absolutely everything. I would die if Daiso closed down T_T. But hopefully you can find these grind makers else where. Also you can always consider getting a wooden plate holder to hold your palettes, which is what I have done with mine :).

      And yes my BB cushion collection is growing like cancer hehe, can’t help it.

  2. Mei B

    I need a daiso in my city (or at least somewhere in the country..) I made the same thing using the cardboard boxes I collected from my orders xD but the aren’t as practical nor as pretty as these plastic bands. I think I should use some washi tape to make it prettier.

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