Okay this isn’t exactly a haul that I bought with my own money, but press samples sent to me as a gift by Wish formula. I hope you guys don’t mind, but I thought I’d do a “haul/ mail time” to show you guys what I’ll be testing out. ย You already know I love their bubble peeling pad to death, and I was in the market to pick up a box but actually forgot and put it off for a while ย Guess it was a good thing I did because they gave me two! ย Let’s check out the haul together shall we?
When they messaged me a while back, asking if it was okay to send me some goodies, of course I said yes. ย I thought they wanted me to review more products but they said they just wanted to send me stuff as a gift. ย I’m like awwww snap! ย Sure thing :D. ย The box came last week, right before Canada post was going on strike. ย I still got stuff in the mail getting stuck at the sorting department but luckily for me, this package along with the Memebox one also came in the nick of time. ย I was not expecting such a big box!! ย What on earth did they send me?!?!
Wait what?!?! Is that what I think it is? ย My eyes do not deceive me do they?
Here is all the stuff they sent me :O. ย So many new things I want to just slap on my face but unfortunately, I’m currently trying out lots of skincare and don’t want to irritate my skin, so these will have to wait.
I’ve been absolutely loving the face bubble peeling pad and actually was about to get a couple of the body ones since I don’t take good care of my body. ย I’m ashamed to say I don’t really moisturize my body keke. ย So I hope this bubble peeling pad can do the same as what it did for my face so I can start fresh and have my whole body glow like a lightbulb. ย A pale, pale light bulb. ย YASS~
From what I can feel, the pad from the body version is almost double the face pad. ย And yes, I’m definitely going to keep the pad after I finish using the peeling liquids it come with. ย It’s a great pad to exfoliate your armpits and anywhere you shave/ wax to avoid ingrown hairs.
The main event! ย A full box of their C200 bubble peeling pad, five of them too! :O ย I’m a lucky girl haha. ย I was actually salvaging the other two they gave me couple ย months ago since I use the exfoliator pad almost every other day to keep my dead skin at bay. ย When I was in Hong Kong, I left one for my aunt to use since she said she wasn’t getting a good enough cleanse with her hands. ย So I only had one to work with and every time I used it, I pray it will not break on me haha.
These don’t come cheap either, retailing for $7 a pop! ย A box of 5 costs 30,00 won (approximately $28 USD) but these are definitely worth ever penny! ย Just make sure to keep the pads after your finished with it.
I got both!! I GOT BOTH! And you bet I’ll be doing a review on the body oneย (๏พ^โ^)๏พ๏พ.
Fermented skincare is a department in the K-beauty skincare that I haven’t tapped into. ย I remember reading somewhere fermented skincare helps with repairing the skin, improve skin’s texture and also hydrates but I could be totally wrong. ย Someone in the comments please tell me the benefits to fermented skincare! ย Included in the package, they sent me their “fermented oil free Dr. Milk sunblock (โฉ34,000)”, which came to me at a great time since I’m always trying to find a sunscreen that is lightweight. ย I have to admit, I do forget to wear sunscreen on a daily basis. ย But before you send me to get stoned by the village, I do carry my stick sunscreen from A’pieu in my bag, so I technically forgot but not really? LOL ย Anyways, I’ll be trying this sunblock out for sure.ย
AHA has been an ingredient I keep hearing about but still haven’t read into it. ย This is Wish formula’s “7 optima pad (โฉ20,000) 50 sheets).ย ย From what the label says, AHA “resurfaces skin gently to support natural cell turnover“. ย Hey, I never claimed to be a professional dermatologist
. ย Honestly this product sounds amazing so I really hope it will work well since I do have dry skin that takes about two days to get back to the sad, dull and dry looking stage. ย I always have to work on the peeling/ exfoliating department. ย I know this isn’t a peeling product, however, this could possibly aid in fading the faint brown spots on my left cheek and maybe help with the leftover brown scar on my breast from my surgery? ย Who knows. ย Only time will tell.
The last product they sent me is their “Purifying toner (โฉ30,000)”. ย Toners to me is one of those meh products that doesn’t do much for me, at least the ones I’ve tried. ย As long as it doesn’t react with my skin badly or make it irritated, I’m satisfied. ย I bought the Habo Labo toner when I was in Hong Kong since I kept seeing and hearing great things about that toner but have yet to try it out. ย This toner will be added to my stash of products that is awaiting for me to try so you’ll possibly see this in a couple of months if I do remember to try it haha.
That is it for this haul. I just wanted to show you guys what I get in the mail as well as serving this as a reminder to myself what products I have to try in the near future. ย What do you guys think about this brand? ย I’m absolutely smitten with the bubble peeling pad so I have high hopes for the other products they sent me. ย Let me know what you think in the comments down below!