Pink Bird box, it’s that time againย (/^โฝ^)/. ย Since I don’t have any subscription with any beauty box as of right now, Etude House’s pink bird box is the only thing that makes me look forward to a new month. ย Days fly by nowadays and Fall is just around the corner already, thank god! ย I can’t stand being all hot and sweaty during the summer time, it is no fun at all! ย This month’s box includes 4 new shades for their bling bling eye stick, their new type of water based tint called “Dear darling water tint” and a couple other things. ย Let’s start~ย
Please note that these boxes are not for sale and was sent to me by Etude House for blogging purposes. ย You can find all these products on the Etude House global website.
They also came out with a men’s line recently, so all the men out there doesn’t have to be embarrassed to have hot pink products in their bath room.
Etude House air mask in tea tree
First sample we got was one of their sheet masks in the version tea tree which is good acne skin. ย Not sure if I should use this since I have dry skin, but I will pass this onto my boyfriend who gets pimples on a daily and we’ll see how he likes this sheet mask.
Just this month, Etude House released a men’s line consisted of a cleanser, toner, emulsionย and moisturizer. ย Of course I will not be using this for myself since I’m not a man, so this will be going to be boyfriend again.
Ichiya… MENNNNN~
If you know this reference, you are my people.ย ๏ผผ๏ผ๏ผพโฝ๏ผพ๏ผ๏ผ
I think this both they are focusing on problem and acne prone skin since they also sent us sample sized AC clinic daily toner and gel lotion. ย These will be perfect for my boyfriend’s skin :).
Etude House Bling bling eye stick
Just this month, Etude House released four more shades for their bling bling eye stick which are cream eyeshadows in a stick form. ย These are twist up so no need to sharpen and they are super affordable, retailing for $5.20 USD each. ย They have not been added onto their global website but I will link them so you guys can use this post as a reference for swatches. ย If you would like to see more promo pictures and a live swatch video, click here for theย Korean website.
One thing that I do have to nit pick about is the fact that the shade number and name is not printed on the actual pencil packaging but it is on the sticker that you would most likely mindlessly rip off since it is the seal. ย You’d have to make sure to cut off the seal if you want to keep the shade number on there. ย I didn’t realized that the shade number wasn’t on the pencil and I mismatched all the lids, making it a pain in the butt to have to guess which one is which.
#11: warm golden, pinky peach shade with fine golden shimmers (this shade reminds me a lot of NARS orgasm but in a cream shadow format)
#12: cool bronze golden shade; sheen finish
#13: warm yellowish golden shade with fine golden shimmers, sheen + slight shimmer finish
#14: warm reddish orange bronze shade; sheen finish (shade very close to #12 but is a more warm toned bronze)
These cream shadow pencils blend out easily, giving the eyes a sheer wash of color. ย I would not suggest wearing this on the lid by itself as it rubs off easily, so use it as an eyeshadow base or if you want to keep the original color, set it with a translucent powder. ย You can also use this in the inner corner and tear duct area to highlight and brighten the eyes.
Etude House dear darling water tint
ย Last but not least, the main event….. Etude House’s new “dear darling water tint”. ย I have noticed a lot of Korean cosmetic brands are coming out with a new type of tint called “water tint” which is suppose to give the lips more of a water color and moisturized tint look.
This tint comes in a nail polish looking glass bottle and the applicator is a standard doe foot applicator. I’m scared to tip this product over since there is no stopper or anything to keep the tint from spill out.
My bare lips are quite red and I have a hard time wearing lighter colours since it usually just doesn’t show unless I conceal them beforehand.
ย The color I got was Orange Ade which is a warm, bright orange shade which is one of the most popular shades in Korea. ย With one layer, the color gives a nice tint and brightens the lips. ย One thing I’ve noticed with this tint, it is definitely a lot more watery then regular Korean tints I have tried and it takes a lot longer for it to absorb onto my lips. ย After it is absorbed, it does look very watery, kind of dewy finish. ย I’m not sure I like this tint enough to use it everyday since it oddly clings onto the insides of my top lip even though I exfoliated very well and there is no dead skin in site.
With two layers, you get a bright “I just sucked on an orange popsicle” color, very natural and moisturizing. ย Best part? ย This smells exactly like an orange popsicle, just like what the name says “orange ade”. ย I’m going to have to use this more to see if I end up liking it more then my first impression, but as of right now my feelings towards this product is neutral.
Which products stood out to you the most? ย Will you try any of them? ย Let me know in the comments down below :).
Want to check out my other pink bird boxes?
July 2015
June 2015
May 2015
April 2015
March 2015
February 2015
December 2014
November 2014
Donโt forget to follow me on my social media platforms to see what Iโm doing and what Iโm getting in the mail :D. ย Mail time is always fun time for me.ย โ(^(ๅทฅ)^)โ
IG: @christinahello